In an unusual incident in Nima, a community in Accra, a supposed fetish priest was taken into custody by the police after he attempted to intervene in a demolishing exercise in the area.
According to reports, some residents of Nima had called upon the fetish priest to help them stop the demolition of structures in the community. In a video shared online, the priest is seen dressed in traditional attire, with herbs around his neck, and pouring out a bottle of what appears to be local alcohol (akpeteshi) as part of a ritual.
As he approached the site of the demolition, he encountered police officers who were present to oversee the exercise. The police officers urged the fetish priest to remain calm, and he could be heard mentioning that the property was owned by someone named “Bio.”
Eventually, the police led the priest away from the scene. It’s unclear what specific role the priest was attempting to play in preventing the demolition or how the situation unfolded afterward.
This incident highlights the diverse cultural practices and beliefs that can intersect with various aspects of life, even in legal and administrative matters.