In a tragic incident that unfolded in Pusiga, located in the Upper East region, a group of unidentified gunmen carried out a deadly attack on two buses, resulting in the loss of nine lives.
The unfortunate event transpired as the two buses were en route from Bawku to Cinkaasi in neighboring Togo. The assailants intercepted the vehicles at the Gbewaa College of Education police barrier, where they opened fire on the unsuspecting passengers.
As of the time of this report, the police have refrained from disclosing the identities of the victims, having visited the scene of the incident yesterday, September 21, 2023.
The motives behind this distressing attack remain unclear, although it occurs in the wake of heightened tensions within the Upper East region, which have previously led to ethnic clashes.
The deceased have been respectfully transported to a morgue, while those who sustained injuries are currently receiving medical care at a nearby healthcare facility.
Regrettably, no suspects have been apprehended at the time of filing this report, as investigations into this tragic incident continue.
Below are some pictures;